
Your one stop shop for all your health & safety resources

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A worker is walking through a construction site, stepping over extension cords and planks from a nearby scaffolding erection. He turns a corner and nearly collides with one of his fellow colleagues. He tries to avoid the collision by stepping to the side and spills his hot coffee on his coverall in the process. This […]

Near Miss Reporting: A Different Approach to a Familiar Challenge

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“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” Commonly used as an opening sentence at a management training session, renowned thinker Peter Drucker is famously credited with the above saying referring to the notion that you cannot be successful unless success is defined and tracked. Without clear objectives, you’re always going to be stuck […]

Thinking Strategically About Health and Safety: Setting your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to Ensure Greater Impact.

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Much has been said recently with many articles written regarding the world’s first Internationally recognised Health and Safety standard, the ISO 45001. I decided to write this brief article explaining the benefits of having the standard and what additional work may be needed for companies to achieve the standard if they are currently certified to […]

OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 – The Transition to the World’s First International Health and Safety Standard

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Very recently we introduced the ZERO Harm behavioral safety program in which a number of personnel have begun to undertake…..But what is ZERO Harm and what does it mean? Zero Harm is about caring for each other and demonstrating that care on a daily basis, it is about all employees going home safely at the end […]

What is Zero Harm?

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The concept of safety leadership is something that is very much talked about in various organizations worldwide. It is a term which we also hear quite often after a major work place accident takes place, fingers are pointed and one of the root causes of the event is often mentioned as “Lack of Safety Leadership”. […]

Safety Leadership

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2022 | DeMoura Lawson Consulting 

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